
Richard Ingersoll (1949-2021)


Richard Ingersoll has passed away at 72. The American architect, historian, editor, and critic was a regular contributor to Arquitectura Viva. Born in San Francisco, Ingersoll graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, was a professor at Syracuse University in Florence, and taught at Rice University in Houston, the Facoltá di Architettura di Ferrara, ETH Zurich, the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, and Peking University in Beijing. Editor-in-chief of Design Book Review (1983-1998), he is the author of books like Global Architecture, 1900-2000. A Critical Mosaic, Volume I: North America, USA and Canada (2000); Ticino Modernism: The University of Lugano, with Kenneth Frampton (2004), Sprawltown: Looking for the City on Its Edges (2006), and World Architecture: A Cross-Cultural History (2012), with Spiro Kostoff. Ingersoll participated in the first congress organized by the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad in 2010, titled ‘More for Less,’ and again in the fourth, ‘Change of Climate,’ in 2016.

Richard Ingersoll in Arquitectura Viva

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