Lighting in workplaces


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Changes in the world of work are generating new reflections, and with this, a redesigning of workplaces. Aspects like space, materials, lighting, colors, all play a part in determining work efficiency.

Are all kinds of light good for the workplace? Lights do not only illuminate, but also produce sensations and moods and help one concentrate, maintain attention, and relax. It can be said that every mood comes with a kind of light.

Today, workplaces can be designed to harness the benefits of every kind of lighting. The firm  Mobiliar, equips and furnishes offices, stating that “lighting design should be just another part of the conception of offices, and can transform a room completely, contributing to modular makeup and the adaptability of work zones.” To this end the company offers a large range of lighting solutions: adjustable switches, orientable foci, rails, etc.

Of the different types of light, we can mention that natural or medium-intensity light, between 4,900 and 6,500 lumens, is best for vision and for working easily and comfortably. It is recommended for communal spaces, such as cafés, entrance halls, and conference rooms. Natural or medium-intensity light creates an agreeable atmosphere, keeping workers alert, vigorous, and cheerful, combatting depression.

Natural light

Cold or blue light – the brightest, exceeding 6,500 lumens – increases attention levels, work performance, and vitality, reducing fatigue and sleepiness. Keeping mind and body active, it contributes to productivity, so it is the most adequate light for workplaces. Boosting emotions and energy levels at idea-sharing moments, it is also prescribed for rooms where brainstorming is done.

Cold or blue light

Yellow light – high-intensity, as much as 2,500 or even 3,000 lumens – is relaxing and warm. Because it does not interfere in the body’s production of melatonin, it puts people in a state of calm wakefulness. The body associates yellow light with dusk and the approach of bedtime, so yellow light calms it down. It is therefore suited for reading and for tasks that require concentration or a steady, balanced state of mind. It is also good for 'chilling out' because it makes people feel at ease, which in turn generates mutual trust and fosters socializing.

Yellow light

As for remote working, for this Mobiliar favors the light that any room already has – whether natural or artificial, which is normally medium-intensity and around 3,500 lumens – and complementing it with a table or desk lamp, to increase intensity when needed.

Many offices nowadays are poorly lit, at the cost of productivity and workers' happiness. Teleworking gives an opportunity to think of how to get the best out of a space, not only in physical terms but also in lighting.

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