5th Extension Court of Justice of the EU

5th Extension Court of Justice of the EU


This is the latest of the interventions that Perrault has planned for the extension of this complex. It’s a third tower that synthesizes the aesthetics of the different buildings of the Court and marks the end of the Gallery that articulates them... [+]

Obra Work

5th Extension Court of Justice of the EU

Cliente Client


Arquitecto Architect

Dominique Perrault

Dirección artística Art direction

Gaëlle Lauriot-Prevost

Arquitecto del proyecto Project architect

David Agudo

Colaboradores Collaborators

Marine Girault, Marcello Biffi, Anais Fernon, Pedro Araujo, Lars Plugge; becarios?interns: Ursula Juvan, Marianna Riobom

Consultores Consultant

NEY & PARTNERS – EUROPE (ingeniería de estructuras structural engineering); FELGEN ET ASSOCIES ENGINEERING S.A. (ingeniería de instalaciones installations engineering); SORANE SA (concepción energética energy concept); TERRELL GROUP (fachadas facades); SECOLUX (seguridad y salud health and safety); LERCH BATES (transporte vertical vertical transportation); BETAVI (acústica acoustics)

Croquis Sketches

© Dominique Perrault

Imágenes y planos Images and drawings

© Dominique Perrault Architecture